Friday, March 2, 2012

Plan of Action for Portfolio

1.     1.How has the development of internet sub cultures and the creation of groups like anonymous effects the internet? What have been the major implications of their actions?

2.   2.  Throughout history minority groups have developed some good and some bad, some of these groups even go as far as causing others trouble. In todays information age a subculture of Internet users have created a collective effort to cause mayhem and even some times become Internet freedom activists.

3.     3.In this new essay I want to use Pratt’s idea of contact zones and how the literal arts of the contact zone create a working environment where people can communicate and develop working relationships with one another. The idea of the contact zones is that the subculture of Internet users, anonymous has created a social and political contact zone because of their actions on the Internet. I am also planning on using Kohl’s idea in against school to show how the both sides of this Internet debate are refusing to learn. I think I will also use ideas from Gatto’s against school. To discuss the differences between a working system and system that does not function they way it was intended to function.

4.    4. I think my question is a strong one that has many areas of exploration. I will look at the behaviors and patterns of the group Anonymous and analyze their behavior. What I really want to figure out is are they doing the opposite of what they set out to do? I want to know whether their actions on the Internet have a negative effect on the Internet freedom acts and I want to analyze whether or not they are handling their problems effectively in today’s day and age. Some might even say that this group of people is putting themselves at risk of capital punishment but is what they are doing really bad?

5.   5.  I am interested in this topic because I have seen first hand the damage and good that Anonymous can do as a group. I think the hardest part for me is being un biased as I myself have partaken in some of the Anonymous online raids. I think that this is an important issue right now especially with bills like SOPA and PIPA, yes they were shelved but HR 1998 should be the revised bill that will be the center of debate between the government and the online community. I think this topic also strikes me as important because I want to know what motivates the Anonymous group members to be so malicious in their attacks. Is it right that they destroy people’s lives yet also seemingly protecting the Internet. Something that has also always made me curious that I might mention in my essay is how anonymous is Anonymous?

6.   6.  This paper will essentially be a new paper, yes the central focus and ideas are similar however it is on a completely different yet related topic. I think that this will extend analytically to the group Anonymous’ psyche and why they are motivated to damage intellectual property or why they are willing to protect other internet freedoms. I think that this will also provide deep insight into the SOPA and PIPA debates, deeper than anything just written about SOPA and PIPA simply because we can trace much of the negative conflict back to this group. I think I will end up asking myself, is anonymous hurting or helping these online feuds.

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